Sunday, 8 November 2015

Workshop with Melanie Kay

A really enjoyable workshop for members with Melanie Kay on 7th November- never knew what fun could be had with metals such as aluminium, brass, copper & foils + STITCH

21st Oct- Maria Tarn- 'Draw it, Make it'

Since completing her City and Guilds Qualification in Textiles, Design and Embroidery, Maria Tarn has worked and exhibited with the TX Group of artists in Frodsham for over 5 years. Initially her photographs/sketches of places she had visited are interpreted to form the basis of a range of canvas based textile work, using the sewing machine as a drawing tool.

Following some exhibitions, she was invited to lead workshops about art techniques at the Cheshire West Teachers' Conferences and to staff in a local nursery which have all been well received.

As a member of the Markmakers group, she works from The Hazlehurst Studios, based in the High Street of Runcorn Old Town. A lifetime passion for art and crafts inspired her to turn her hobby into a commercial activity.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Here are 'our pages ' of the Travelling Book which represents Chelford where we meet. These small squares show our interpretation of Chelford Market & will form part of the book which was the challenge issued by the NW Guild Chairman.