Thursday, 15 December 2011

Christmas Decoration Competition

Second Prize

Second Prize

First Prize

The christmas decoration competition proved to be very popular with a a wide variety of entries. Sue Loft won the rose bowl with her gorgeous little bootees. Well done Sue!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Priscilla Jones Workshop. 5th November 2011

Work by Priscilla Jones

Work by members of Chelford Embroiderers' Guild on Priscilla Jones  workshop

I wasn't able to attend the Priscilla Jones workshop which I was really annoyed about as I am a great fan of hers. However I have been sent some images of the canvases completed on the day and I am even more annoyed that I missed it now as it all looks so good.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Young Embroiderers' Group Millefleurs Hanging

 The Young Embroiderers' Group meet on Tuesday for a printing session. One of the activities we did was to use leaves to print on felt to add to our hanging.
 We painted the leaves with green acrylic paint and them used a roller to press the leaf onto the cream felt fabric.
 The results were so really delicate effects.
 When they were dry we cut the shape of the leaf out and carefully painted the edges with green paint.
 We then added them to the hanging and the effect is stunning, The felt leaves look like porcelain and have really broken up the the mass of coloured flowers on the hanging which have been made over several sessions from felt, suffolk puffs etc
And we even have a little pig...........

Friday, 21 October 2011

October 2011 Judith Lovatt

held on OCT. 19th 2011


WORKSHOPS Places are available on the Pricilla Jones workshop on NOV 5th
Book with Jane.

OUTING TO BARTON GRANGE to see the Embroiderers’ Guild Collection
Cost £5 Details from Angela.
(It was asked if a coach could go via Altrincham area sometimes instead of Handforth. The committee will look into this but if you have any suggestions please let us know)

Open now to visitors Cost £ 23 for members and £26 for visitors inc. entrance
Details from Rose.

EMBRACE  GAMES Knutsford Leisure Centre Wed 26th Oct. 11am 4pm
This is a family fun day to publicise local groups and will be run by Maria  

NOVEMBER MEETING speaker  SUZANNA RENE “My Textile Journey”
Please bring Ecuador Postcards and work from the last workshop, finished or unfinished and,samples.

Please bring a handmade Christmas card to exchange and a Christmas Decoration for the Competition, if you can, but don’t let this stop you coming and joining the fun evening though.

24th March EXHIBITION the competition is “REFLECTIONS”

Shelia Smith, Katie Pirson and Janet Brown. Details later.

This will be available on the Noticeboard.

WORK BOX MAGAZINE has closed down

PAT  was presented with a plant and with thanks for all her work as Secretary last

Jenny Rydell with the help of Sibylla Rickards and Jill brown have taken charge of the library. There is a sale of unrequired books and magazines and ideas for new books is required.

Textile 21 Exhibition at Joblings Solicitors Gallery Macclesfield until Nov  4th
Preston Threads retrospective until 30th Oct.
Great Northern Craft Fair, Spinningfields, Manchester until Sunday. 23rd Oct.

Judith Lovatt an Art teacher in a former life, gave a very helpful and encouraging talk to  members suggesting ways of starting, colouring and developing work from a picture, pattern or idea to the finished stitching.  On the following workshop she helped us to use a wide variety of colouring media and to develop a piece of work using hand stitching.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

September 2011 Jane Smith Traditional Japanese Embroidery

 Jane is a teacher of Japanese Embroidery having studied and passed the necessary tests with the Japanese “ Grand Master” and his family in America. Her illustrated talk covered the history, techniques, tools and threads required to create the typical Japanese embroidery. She showed some of her work and explained how the delicate and beautiful stitches were worked. This was a very interesting and informative talk and created a great deal of interest amongst the members.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Workshop with Fiona Wilson

 Fiona Wilson's workshop in July was all to do with experimenting and trying out new ways of stitching using your machine.  Before we did any stitching we 'loosened ourselves up' with some experimental drawing which is a good technique to use before you start a new project. Fiona introduced us to some of the techniques she uses , such as drawing with a pen fastened onto a 3ft stick and drawing without looking at the object.
 Although our drawings were very experimental, when they were cut up into small squares they were a great resource to use for our experimental stitching.
Fiona also introduced us to a Embellishing machine, which again she uses in a very experimental way. often using it on paper.
The outcome of the day's experimenting was a selection of samples which can be used a reference or as the basis for more work.

Fiona's method of using experimental drawing as a basis for stitch definitely allows her to come up with some unique and exciting work. I think I will start to experiment more with drawing before I start a new piece of work.

Young Embroiderers August 2011

Our August meeting was attended by a select group of members who had a really good time printing. They brought a book with them and made a cover for it. They printed onto fabric using acrylic paints and they also made their own printing blocks to fit in with the subject of their book. We also had a go at making our own cords using door handles and a lot of twisting.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

July 2011 Fiona Wilson

Fiona Wilson inspired us all with her interesting talk and slide show about how she made the change from a stressful career in marketing to becoming a successful artist.
It was lovely to see how Fiona's work had progressed from her early work doing an art foundation course to her recent work for the MA (Textiles) at MMU.
Fiona's career was given a boost when she was chosen to be an Embroiderers' Guild Scholar and we could definitely see why she had been chosen.

Monday, 20 June 2011

June 2011 Make do and Mend Priscilla Jones

For our june meeting we were treated to a take and slideshow by the talented textile artist Priscilla Jones. He slide show showed us her journey from an embroidery student at Manchester Metropolitan University to the successful textile artist she is today. Priscilla showed us how strong drawing skills underpins her current practise, often drawing everyday objects and items of clothing.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Open Day May 2011

The Young Embroiderers ran a flower making workshop

We held an Open Day on the 21st May for the first time this year and we wanted to make this event different from our bi annual exhibition, which will be held next year. The emphasis for this event was on demonstrations and workshops all run by members . The event was designed to publicise our group and raise awareness for textiles and embroidery, and perhaps recruit some more members. We decided that all the profits from the event would go to a local charity, and the boiler fund at Chelford Village Hall was chosen as a worthy cause.

Monday, 23 May 2011

May Meeting Jane Clowes

Jane Clowes treated us to a really interesting talk about her work and influences. She was lucky enough to be chosen to go to Japan for 3 months on an art residency and she shared her experience with us through her slides.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

April 2011 Liz Almond

Liz Almond's enthusiasm about blackwork rubbed off on all of us at out April meeting. Not only did she bring lots of examples of her work for us to pass around she explained how easy it was to do. Liz does her own designs and her results are quite stunning and you don't just have to keep to black on white. She showed us examples of work done using variegated coloured thread with the added sparkle of beads.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Amy Senogles March 2011

Amy Senogles' work is based on the premise that fashion should be sustainable and made to last rather than have the built-in obsolescence of much of today's high street fashion. She graduated from a BA in Embroidery at Manchester School of Art in 2008. She has used recycled textiles and embroidery to create a series of pattern shaped panels which show how they could be used in garment design. Everyone found Amy's work and philosophy very inspirational.

More Stitched postcards from March workshop

Here are some more examples of the Ecuador postcards that were made on the postcard workshop. We are lucky to have been given Ecuador as the flag is very visual and colourful and is the source of lots of inspiration.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Stitched postcards workshop March 2011

On saturday we held a workshop for members and for the first time we invited along the young embroiderers as unfortunately we had had to cancel their february meeting.
The focus of the workshop was to the stitched postcards which all branches are making for 2012. Our allocated country is Ecuador and we all found loads of inspiration in their flag and country.
The workshop was run by three of the members, Angela, Carol and Maria, who each set up stall to demonstrate a different technique. Participants could chose if they wanted to have a go at silk painting, needle-felting and applique.